Black Dye Tub


Did they change the way the black dye tub works? i just saw the one at the occlo bank vendor house get used up and bought one with 5 uses and used it twice now down to 3. they used to be unlimited.


Mine too, that I've used a billion times before, suddenly is no more ;( It had its million uses.


Same thing here. had my black dye tub outside at my Valor-Rite Vendors for customers to use. Just logged in and it's completely gone.

What gives?


Lol, glad I didn't put mine out for customers. :p. Makes them kinda worthless if they only do 5 charges. Either it's a bug or a new dono coin sink.


well its arguable about the value since they were able to dye leather items as well as furniture and monster statuettes. I wonder if when the code was for UO Perilous if tubs were able to dye all those things, would explain alot.

looks like it's fixed now though and dyetubs no longer have limited charges either.

i guess they could just do a global black dyetub handout to rectify all the lost donation ones since it wont hurt the black dyetub economy anyways, since theres already a billion of them