Best way to tame Dragons and High End Spawns?


Just recently GM'd taming after a very long break from UO:F. I have GM Peacing/music for now (will drop for provoke once taming is reached 110)

I tried peacing dragons last night and they broke free within a matter of seconds and were ''too angry'' to allow me to tame them. What are the tricks for taming these bigger beasts? I'd like to get a dragon, wyrm, and mare bonded and in the stables if i can.

Young Star

Once you stop damaging them they shouldn't be angered during the taming attempt. It may take a few attempts though. Beating it down isn't required for dragons and mares but it helps to reduce their firebreath damage. It also makes it easier when they are fleeing then when you are trying to keep them paralyzed while chasing you.


You will receive a message when you try and tame any of the high end monsters (Dragons, Nightmares, White Wyrms, Death Beetles etc...) indicating that, "you seem to have only angered the beast" or something like that. This message is unavoidable and results in the need to re-initiate the tame over and over until actual taming begins (*you begin taming the creature*).

There is an entirely seperate message indicating that they are "too angry to continue taming", which terminates a taming attempt in progress. This happens when you have initiated combat with the creature (willingly or not). To avoid this message you have to tab out (click the tab button to turn war mode on, then again to turn war mode back off). Doing so will disengage you from combat an allow you to tame again.
Note: this message happens regardless of the creature type but is most often seen when taming aggressive creatures.
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Thanks for the information guys.

So its best to beat down the monsters to help with fire breath and their quick walk abilities. Better to use paralyze fields versus peacemaking. Angering the beast is a common message and retaming skill should be used over and over until you get through. Paralyze field wont trigger 'too angry to continue taming' but attacking might

is this correct?
Thanks for the information guys.

So its best to beat down the monsters to help with fire breath and their quick walk abilities. Better to use paralyze fields versus peacemaking. Angering the beast is a common message and retaming skill should be used over and over until you get through. Paralyze field wont trigger 'too angry to continue taming' but attacking might

is this correct?

The EASIEST way i've found to tame a dragon is to find a house that you can get friended to near a dragon spawn. Ban the dragon from the house and stand in the door way healing your self and spamming your tame macro.

If you don't have an accessible house, it is nice to have a buddy nearby do peacemaking on them selves (higher success chance than peacing the dragon directly) over and over. They're also there for emergency heals.

@Experience made a UO:S script for me by request that apparently keeps your character out of melee range while attempting to tame. I haven't had a chance to test it out yet:

headmsg 'Target creature to tame'
promptalias 'Tame'
pause 250
while @inrange 'Tame' '15'
  if inrange 'Tame' '3' and not @injournal 'You start to tame the creature' 'system'
    useskill 'animal taming'
    waitfortarget 5000
    target! 'last'
    pause 1000
    while @inrange 'Tame' '2'
      if @x 'Tame' > x 'self' and @y 'Tame' > y 'self'
        run 'Northeast'
      elseif @x 'Tame' < x 'self' and @y 'Tame' > y 'self'
        run 'Northwest'
      elseif @x 'Tame' > x 'self' and @y 'Tame' < y 'self'
        run 'Southeast'
      elseif @x 'Tame' < x 'self' and @y 'Tame' < y 'self'
        run 'Southwest'
      elseif @x 'Tame' > x 'self' and @y 'Tame' == y 'self'
        run 'east'
      elseif @x 'Tame' < x 'self' and @y 'Tame' == y 'self'
        run 'west'
      elseif @x 'Tame' == x 'self' and @y 'Tame' > y 'self'
        run 'north'
      elseif @x 'Tame' == x 'self' and @y 'Tame' < y 'self'
        run 'south'
  if @injournal 'It seems to accept you as master' 'system'
    headmsg "It's Tame"


what about the secluded tiles in destard surrounded by stellagmites? i hear teleporting there and taming a dragon from the other side works too?
what about the secluded tiles in destard surrounded by stellagmites? i hear teleporting there and taming a dragon from the other side works too?

Pretty sure that doesn't work here. Your tame target NEEDS to have a clear path (think pathfinding) to you or you'll get a failure message saying exactly that.


The paralyze field works great. Also just paralyze works. I will beat what I'm going to tame down if I'm by myself usually then Paralyze it, start to tame, and precast paralyze so I can paralyze them as soon as it wears off. When it's froze u have time to cast heal if you need to before paralyzing again. Rinse and repeat. Run away and Med if u get low on mana.

I can remember in the old days of uo, you could pull a dragon out of fire temple, run really fast around, up the stairs (so it wouldn't follow and be left below) and sit at the edge of the temple, and the dragon would just keep running into the wall below. You could actually stand there and tame safely. Havnt tried that here.

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The EASIEST way i've found to tame a dragon is to find a house that you can get friended to near a dragon spawn. Ban the dragon from the house and stand in the door way healing your self and spamming your tame macro.

If you don't have an accessible house, it is nice to have a buddy nearby do peacemaking on them selves (higher success chance than peacing the dragon directly) over and over. They're also there for emergency heals.

@Experience made a UO:S script for me by request that apparently keeps your character out of melee range while attempting to tame. I haven't had a chance to test it out yet:
Doesn't work...just tried doesn't start the taming.


paralyze field is hard to get right. any tips? they always walk right through it or it only works once do you recommend a tamer get a dragons health down so low so the firebreath doesnt hurt? they dispell ev's like nothing. do you guys bring another dragon or somethign along to get the health down of what youre taming?


paralyze field is hard to get right. any tips? they always walk right through it or it only works once do you recommend a tamer get a dragons health down so low so the firebreath doesnt hurt? they dispell ev's like nothing. do you guys bring another dragon or somethign along to get the health down of what youre taming?
I always just paralyze.. easier to me. Usually you can get 2-3 taming attempts off (given the angry message doesn't take up too much time) before you have to para again.


I find it useful to use a macro with "Useskill: AnimalTaming" "Last Target" and just hold down the button after paralyzing a dragon. Eventually it'll start taming, after angering the dragon for a while. When it starts taming I just keep walking away and re-casting paralyze.

Helps a lot to have a friend with you that can help out casting heals/paras.

Once the taming process starts, just keep kiting by staying 3-4 steps ahead, and pre-cast a heal.

King Dingaling

i use to do the field and it gets annoying when they dont walk through it or it lands the wrong way. beat it down, simple para and tab out. walk up and tame. dont punch it tho or it breaks the para