Best place to gather bones?


Been hunting for a while and nothing seems to drop bones at a decent rate. You get a few at a time per any monster kill that drops bones. Comparatively, farming all types of leather seems to go 3x or 4x faster.

What monsters drop bones? Am I missing some good ones?


Where can I find dark wisps outside of triggering champ spawns? Or is triggering the champ spawn easy to solo just for bone harvesting?


You'll run out of shadow wisps eventually if you aren't killing the pixies as well and advancing the spawn.

I solo'd a couple times while leveling my meta pet and let the spawn die. I did it for 25k xp which took several hours, maybe a couple hrs each session. Farmed like 8k bones in that time and I was only looting medium/large piles I was not looting individual bones or rib cages yielding three bones.

If selling bones at 50g per it's a pretty reasonable way to make $$ actually.


Slow. I don't mess with GY. Best spots for zombies IMO:

Bard room area of deceit one is $$
Covetous has a three zombie room

Serpent spawns for Spined + bone

Lava serpents when I'm feeling froggy

Dwyane Wade

Whenever I need bones I farm in Deceit level 1, right above the bard room. There's a good 10 zombies that spawn there. Cut the bones