Back after 14 years


New Member
Hello everyone, i'm super excited that i found this shard and UO is still so popular. I use to play on the Baja shard back in 1999 to around 2002. My character names were Lone Wolf, Ackrite, and Stacey Adams. I had an Uncle that played by the names of McQueen and Hot Chocolate.

On a different note, I'm beginning with a blacksmith with mining, where is the best place for a "young" player to mine? I have very little defensive skills so it needs to be semi safe.

Also I've been told a barb/provc is a very good money maker. Any truth behind this?


- Ackrite/Daniel Ironhands


Hello! I played during those times except on pac!
Barbed leather is a good source of income, mining is as well.

UO will always have a place in everyone's life :)

Soul Mate

Hello everyone, i'm super excited that i found this shard and UO is still so popular. I use to play on the Baja shard back in 1999 to around 2002. My character names were Lone Wolf, Ackrite, and Stacey Adams. I had an Uncle that played by the names of McQueen and Hot Chocolate.

On a different note, I'm beginning with a blacksmith with mining, where is the best place for a "young" player to mine? I have very little defensive skills so it needs to be semi safe.

Also I've been told a barb/provc is a very good money maker. Any truth behind this?


- Ackrite/Daniel Ironhands

I do believe the ppl in the ETC Guild can help you out with that kind of thing , I think the gm is @Leewald7 . Welcome to the server and have a great time. Best to read some Tutorials to get you up to speed:)


Welcome to UOForever! A provo bard is a good start at a pvm char. Not too hateful to macro up one. Check out the guides in this forum for help ;)