Up for auction is what is widely believed to be the RAREST tameable rideable mount in all of UOF:
An Ultra White ( UltraWhite / UW ) Rideable Wolf - Hue # 2498
According to a Forum post that quoted Eppy, these things have a 1% spawn chance, and only one spawned in the entire first 2 years of the server. It is highly likely that this is the fifth one to spawn, and may be one of only four on the entire server (potentially, one was lost when its' owner quit playing).
This is a TRUE "ultra white" rideable wolf - Not to be confused with "pure white" which is much more common.
Here's what the wiki ( https://www.uoforum.com/wiki/index.php/Tameables#Rideable_Wolf ) has to say:
"They spawn in a range of hues, including several metallic ones such as copper, agapite and valorite. The rarest spawning hue is ultra white (hue# 2498) - This version popular amongst the West Britain Bank fashionistas."
Here's your chance to join an ELITE level of bank sittin' style!
Small Bid: 2 mill
Bid Increments: 100k
Buyout Bid: 4.5 mill
Auction ends 48 hours after the last bid - Happy bidding!
Up for auction is what is widely believed to be the RAREST tameable rideable mount in all of UOF:
An Ultra White ( UltraWhite / UW ) Rideable Wolf - Hue # 2498
According to a Forum post that quoted Eppy, these things have a 1% spawn chance, and only one spawned in the entire first 2 years of the server. It is highly likely that this is the fifth one to spawn, and may be one of only four on the entire server (potentially, one was lost when its' owner quit playing).

This is a TRUE "ultra white" rideable wolf - Not to be confused with "pure white" which is much more common.
Here's what the wiki ( https://www.uoforum.com/wiki/index.php/Tameables#Rideable_Wolf ) has to say:
"They spawn in a range of hues, including several metallic ones such as copper, agapite and valorite. The rarest spawning hue is ultra white (hue# 2498) - This version popular amongst the West Britain Bank fashionistas."
Here's your chance to join an ELITE level of bank sittin' style!
Small Bid: 2 mill
Bid Increments: 100k
Buyout Bid: 4.5 mill
Auction ends 48 hours after the last bid - Happy bidding!
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