Arch Demon Bug?

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Arch Enemy

I've heard people say that if the arch demon dies in the small bottom right room, he will not drop any relics due to a bug.

Can @eppy or @Adam confirm or deny this rumor?


I've heard people say that if the arch demon dies in the small bottom right room, he will not drop any relics due to a bug.

Can @eppy or @Adam confirm or deny this rumor?



they were just telling you that because pulling it into that area is dangerous with people walling etc.

Sure looks like you fell for it. I mean cmon man, you really thought there might be a check for where the mob is when determining if relic will drop? And then call it a bug when clearly it would have needed to be intentionally added?

Funny how calling people ******** is your go-to


Hanes is the kinda player that pulls the daemon into that room, plays him terribly, and gets himself and others around him killed 1000x. Not by design...he's just bad. And dumb. And clearly buttsore over something off-topic but I digress...

Corpses of Helmet Hair are not an uncommon sight if Hanes decides to sack up and leave his friends houses for a little change of pace.

Young Star

one time i soloed an xmas arch deamon lol, didn't die once. no chest tho
Soloing the arch demon is much easier then having to worry about him jumping away from you to hit someone else not stacked on you right when he casts demon fire.

As for the room being bugged, crazier stuff has been true when it comes to weird quirks on this server but that one is just a rumor started to get people to pull him back out of there. Begging the donation vendors into giving you something is just a big joke also.

Arch Enemy

they were just telling you that because pulling it into that area is dangerous with people walling etc.

Sure looks like you fell for it. I mean cmon man, you really thought there might be a check for where the mob is when determining if relic will drop? And then call it a bug when clearly it would have needed to be intentionally added?

Funny how calling people ******** is your go-to

you're ******** also, but much more so than any other person on this forum, thus I'm not even going to say anything else because I know nothing I say will ever get through that thick skull of yours.


Oh I wasn't aware there was an arch daemon bug where you could get him to not fight back. I mean that would be the only way Haney boo baney could do more than 1k damage to him (even in normal form) without going face down, right?

Seriously never seen anyone unable to handle themselves in either PvM or PvP quite like this guy. Christ even old azz was a head and shoulders above Hanesboi.

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