WTS AceHigh's Selling List

So bored of my chaotic chests. So selling everything i dont care. If you see prices near items, that's the prize. If you don't see prices, it means, i'm asking you to offer a reasonable price for them.

Power Scrolls

105 Mining - 30K - SOLD
105 Animal Taming - 30K - SOLD


Bronze Shield ( Fortified/Invul )
Bronze Shield ( Indestrucable/Fortified )
Heater Shield ( Invul ) x3 - SOLD
Heater Shield (Massive/Invul ) - SOLD
Heater Shields ( Indestrucable/Invul ) - SOLD


Katana ( Vanq/Supremely Accurate )

Executioner's Axe ( Vanq/Surpassingly Accurate )
Executioner's Axe ( Substiantial/Power/Supremely Accurate )

Crossbow ( Vanq/Surpassingly Accurate )
Crossbow ( Substiantial/Power/Supremely Accurate )

Heavy Crossbow ( Vanq/Surpassingly Accurate )
Heavy Crossbow ( Power/Supremely Accurate )

Bow ( Exceptional / Balron Damnation )
Bow ( Indestructable/Power/Supremely Accurate )

Quest Vanqs x10 - 9k per each - SOLD


A full set of dragon scale ( Expectional )

Leather Cap ( Indestrucable/Invul ) x2
Leather Gorget ( Indestrucable/Invul ) x2
Leather Gloves ( Indestrucable/Invul )
Leather Shorts ( Indestrucable/Invul )
Leather Bustier ( Indestrucable/Invul )
Leather Tunic ( Indestrucable/Invul )

Leather Cap (Substantial/Invul )
Leather Skirt ( Massive/Invul )

Platemail Tunic ( Indestrucable/Invul ) x2 - SOLD
Platemail Tunic ( Substantial/Invul ) - SOLD
Platemail Close Helmet (Indestrucable/Invul ) - SOLD
Platemail Nose Helm ( Indestrucable/Invul ) - SOLD

Studded Sleves ( Invul )
Studded Sleves ( Indestrucable/Invul )

Ringmail Leggings ( Fortified/Invul )

And The Others

Black Dye Tube
Skull of Greed x2
Indecipherable Map
Sandals ( red )

Small Dragon Boat - SOLD

Globe recovered from a shipwreck

Repair Service Contract From a Legendary Blacksmith x5

Roofs Runebook ( Including Moonglow )

T-Map Runebooks ( 1-100 ) - SOLD

Pickaxe ( Durable/Vanq/Accurate/Duration:50) (Dunno if this is something for miners or not )

4th of July Torches ( 99 charges ) x2 - SOLD

Deviously T-Maps x5

Sandstone House with Patio - Yew Vendors. ( Good spot - good offers )

BODs - 9 different color, Tier 1 and Tier 2, Total 150 Yards

Waiting for your reasonable offers. Thank you

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