A stable (person) in every town.


Not having a stable in a town to me is tantamount to not having a bank. Why not add a stablemaster to every town to help that town become more inviting for players to frequent? I think this would be a boon to all players across the spectrum.


i think having a bank in every house or 100 square tiles is ridiculous and in no way similar to having a stable in every town. I'm not sure if you can do it here but on some other shards you can actually put a stable in your house. One in each town would hardly disrupt the game and it would increase the appeal of some of the lesser used towns.

Bilb Ono

i think having a bank in every house or 100 square tiles is ridiculous and in no way similar to having a stable in every town. I'm not sure if you can do it here but on some other shards you can actually put a stable in your house. One in each town would hardly disrupt the game and it would increase the appeal of some of the lesser used towns.
I mean I've tried to mark a rune to one of the several existing stables but I just can't seem to do it! If only there were a stables in nujel'm and occlo then finally I could make a tamer