
Free bump I guess...
Whats the taming/lore required to accept one of these and control it?
Also, if anyone has a link to requirements for other tameables that would be nice to reference to...IE: Dragons, mares, etc


PS: Cap for DB: 930hp 550 - str 190 - dex 550 - int - 114.8 poison (think), poison cap is the most important if you want hight poison mob, you can train at 114.8 without scrolls on Dbeetle.

Poison cap depends on pet. It's different from a beetle to another.

Going past GM poisoning doesn't affect the special ability of beetles to poison on-hit, it only influences magic poison, which you will not use on a beetle because it'll already be poison with the on-hit effect most of the times.


is not correct i think, my 105.6 db poison only deadly, my 114.8 seems that 70% of poison put a highter poison probably the lethal. They have different message *spasm uncontrollability* ecc..

Unless they made a recent change to it, that is just your imagination ;)