WTS 18 x 18 South of Destard



Selling 18x18 South of Destard Entrance at swamp!
Quick jog from door of house to Destard!
18 x 18 are not as frequent on the market don't miss this great opportunity and this great location!

S/B 2 million
Increments 250k
Buy Out 4 million
Auction ends 72 hours after last bid!

Good luck all for this great possible pet trap house, or restock house for Destard!!

Also can send to Higgs Boson #2374 on discord
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Buy out made, will be going up on the Game Wheel if anyone wants a stab at it smiley
https://https://discord.uoforever.com/edGKGq Here is the discord link, or PM me on Discord under :

Tallon Zek / Fennin Ro#9527