WTS 120 ANIMAL TAMING!!! solddddddddd


I was told that it was going for around 7-9 mil so ill start bidding at 6 mil and increments of 250k. bidding will end by sunday night 10 pm eastern if the highest bid reaches a fair amount. If the bidding does not reach a fair price i reserve the right to not sell because i know this is a valuable item worth what i am looking to get. Good luck.


I was told that it was going for around 7-9 mil so ill start bidding at 6 mil and increments of 250k. bidding will end by sunday night 10 pm eastern if the highest bid reaches a fair amount. If the bidding does not reach a fair price i reserve the right to not sell because i know this is a valuable item worth what i am looking to get. Good luck.

If you take trades, PM me, I'll throw some interesting stuff.



Thank you for a decent post with an expected value and reasonable starting bid.

I sold one for 7m without even posting an auction and three others have sold between 7-9 in the last month.. congrats on the drop.