WTS 11x11 South of Yew MG


Selling this 2-story 11x11 house about 150 tiles south of Yew MG.
Good spot for a villa if anyone's interested in that!

Anyone interested in moving to this quiet part of the Yew Deep Forest?

Last offer, 175k! :)

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Il make a trade. I have the
Money but I have a house already. I would love to buy it unless you would like to trade? Its a small stone tower outside of trin. Great vendor spot little bit of action but a rare occurrence. Its near all the good stuff so if you want to maybee trade or I could throw in a couple bucks but I would love to trade. Thanks


To be honest I would love to keep this one for myself. But I can't afford to build walls and in the end I don't really own more than 125 items so I have nothing to put in my house anyway :)
I'm still kind of new and still need regs and money to grind my characters so all I'm looking for is gold I'm afraid.

But if you want to buy it after you've sold your other house it's all yours!