Search results

  1. K

    WTT WTS Ancient Armor Pieces

    WTT my Ancient Armor helm for your cash or Ancient Armor tunic, gloves, or shield.
  2. K

    Mages, Talis, and Poison

    Hi all, can someone tell me some information about PvM builds. I heard rumor the mage talisman may be modified soon, is that true? Does the tali affect poison damage? Which skills go into a poison mage? Do I need alchemy to do damage? I'm looking at the 4 mage skills, poisoning, and then what...
  3. K

    WTB Cash for your 120 Blacksmith Power Scroll

    PM me your price!
  4. K

    PC on Title Scrolls

    Just want to get a sense of what title scrolls cost. Particularly Rat King.
  5. K

    WTB 110 Smithing PS

    PM me! Need it fast!
  6. K

    WTS Ancient Armor Helm

    One of the more sought after pieces. Looking for ~45k or trade for smithing scrolls, 110 smith PS. I'll pay difference obviously if you have what I'm looking in trade for.
  7. K

    Price check on Ancient Armor + more

    Price check on Ancient Armor pieces Silver, power, surpassingly accurate kryss Silver, fortified, power, supremely accurate cross bow Massive, vanquishing, eminently accurate war mace Silver, substantial, power, supremely accurate war mace Substantial, vanquishing, surpassingly accurate katana
  8. K

    WTB 1k Dono coins for gold!

    165k! Or make me an offer!
  9. K

    WTT WTB or Trade $$ for Power Scrolls

    Hello, I need: 105 Blacksmithing power scroll 105 Mining power scroll I want to sell: 1x Wrestling ss 2x Swordsman ss 1x Eval Intel ss 2x Anatomy ss 1x Healing ss 1x Alchemy 1x Stealth
  10. K

    Smithing & Power Scrolls: Obtaining and Using (plus other things)

    I like the wiki, but there are definitely some inconsistencies with other info on the game. So I'm asking here to get some clarity. 1) Can someone confirm I do in fact need to use the 105, 110, 115, 120 scrolls in order and that I cant just use 120? 2) I read somewhere I can get power scrolls...
  11. K

    Instruments, Slayer properties, and durability

    Hello, I've found several silver instruments and I have a couple questions: 1) Do instruments in general have durability? Can I keep provocating with the same one forever or will it break eventually? 2) Is the answer to #1 modified by the instrument have a slayer property? 4) What does the...
  12. K

    WTS or WTT Animal Taming SS 265k!

    As the title says. Price negotiable!
  13. K


    I played UO waaaaaaay back in '97 or so for a few years. Glad to see it's being kept alive! I have a animal taming SS I'd like to sell! Let me know if you're interested!