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  1. Kentallen40

    Weapon and Armor breakdown?

    It's really necessary to talk shit about my picture? Fucking trolls haha, get a life.
  2. Kentallen40

    Weapon and Armor breakdown?

    Perfect, thanks for sharing that!
  3. Kentallen40

    Weapon and Armor breakdown?

    So the last time I played UO, it was AoS/SE era, so I'm used to stats being shown. How do I know if a certain weapon or armor is more beneficial than what I am currently using? If someone could break this down for me that would be awesome! Cheers!
  4. Kentallen40

    Looking for good Guild :)

    Ahh, looking good mate...
  5. Kentallen40

    Ethereal mount stealing

    hahaha sure thing ;)
  6. Kentallen40

    Ethereal mount stealing

    Just curious, are thieves able to steal in guard zone?
  7. Kentallen40

    Looking for good Guild :)

    Looking for a good guild to play with. I'm down for whatever, just want to get to know and play with some good people, and have some good ole fashioned fun! Characters names are Kentitus and Acacia
  8. Kentallen40

    Back to UO after 8 years

    Another question I had... Those BS Skills you start with, that have 2-3 points, do I lower those by using them or do they lower as I use other skills?
  9. Kentallen40

    Back to UO after 8 years

    Awesome guys, thanks for the helpful tips! I'll see you out there!
  10. Kentallen40

    Back to UO after 8 years

    Hey all, This is my first time playing UO since around 2005! Feels good to be home though. If any of you could make suggestions on where I should be farming and what I should be doing, it would be greatly appreciated! I'm at a loss right now lol :) Skills for my 1st character are: Swords...