Search results

  1. F

    Skill Scroll colors - blaze orange?

    is animal taming ss
  2. F

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

    you looting guy behind you?
  3. F

    WTB Spined leather 40gp

  4. F

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

    i'm like uo because people who play uo not kids
  5. F

    The Official UO Forever Real Life Picture Thread!

    jakaro show me your face i am find and kill you in real life:))
  6. F

    Add mounts?

    add new mobs!
  7. F

    WTB Spined leather 40gp

  8. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps

    4.0 ?:))) i think uof dont support this client version try install 7. 0. 15. 1.
  9. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps

    you try downgrade client version?
  10. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps

    what windows on host? what windows on virtual machine?
  11. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps

    try change encoding in windows or need setup necessary font
  12. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps
  13. F

    Client is bugged, nothing helps

    try change encoding in windows mb need setup necessary font try launch uo on virtual machine(vm ware workstation) with windows xp try change client version(delete all client and leave only one client)
  14. F

    WTS Medusa Statue and Small Braziers

    awesome medusa statue
  15. F

    Something wicked this way comes

    rat layer and baracoon your friend?:)
  16. F

    Auto Gold looting

    i suppose it new loot system uosteam
  17. F

    Poisoning Guide

    i am train poisoning with alchemy awesome make potion and use on dagger 1.5-2 days and gm poisoing
  18. F

    WTB Bulk NightShade
