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  1. VeritesZen

    WTS New Vendor

    New Vendor about 10 screens NE of Yew Gate. Sell lots of force and power magic weapons along with some SS and Slayer. Forces for 500 power for 1000. Just added Magic Armour and Barbed Leather Suits. Coming soon will be some actual pictures of the shop => along with more craftables...
  2. VeritesZen

    LTB Lockpicking Set

    Where is your vendor?
  3. VeritesZen

    how do i raise cartography and lockpicking

    Thanks for the Help!
  4. VeritesZen

    how do i raise cartography and lockpicking

    Does anyone know what level your picking has to be to open the various types of t maps?
  5. VeritesZen

    LTB Lockpicking Set

    LTB a 50 to 95 lockpicking set...
  6. VeritesZen

    Fishing training macro?

    Deffinetly a start in the right direction! Thanks alot, I'll try and tweek it...
  7. VeritesZen

    Fishing training macro?

    I'm also interested in this! I'm sure there is a vet fisherman around that can give us some help...
  8. VeritesZen

    WTS Minoc Sandstone

    I'm new to this server, could afford 100k would you take that?
  9. VeritesZen

    New to UOF but not new to UO

    I think I remeber MisterG. What years did you play on GL?
  10. VeritesZen

    Peacemaking Question

    Well i gmed peace by peacing myself in dungeon. Still no idea why I was getting guard wacked doing it at brit bank though....
  11. VeritesZen

    Peacemaking Question

    Ran into something like this earlier, went to heal someone and got guard wacked. Od thing was I didn't get a criminal notice like I normally would...
  12. VeritesZen

    Peacemaking Question

    I'm currently training peacmaking on my tamer. Dont worry im planing on droping it for provo later... Anyways, I use to train this skill at the brit bank and just target myself. When I tried doing this on UOF I ended up geting guard wacked several times. Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?
  13. VeritesZen

    New to UOF but not new to UO

    Hello everyone! Im a returning uo player and ive been playing this shard for about a week so far and love it. Seems like everything i was looking for. In case anyone knows me, I played on great lakes my mains chars were Teddy, Sir Teddy, Dark Shadow, Tools Of Death, and Quizalotte'. Also played...