Search results

  1. Durable

    WTS 8 taming ss!

  2. Durable

    WTS Legendary : The Dragoon Title Scroll

    ending date on this auction?
  3. Durable

    WTS Sold Please Delete

    what is the current legitimate bid?
  4. Durable

    WTS 115 Animal Lore

    when is the auction ending?
  5. Durable

    WTS Legendary : The Dragoon Title Scroll

    did you get a bid of 300 or are you now saying that 300 is the price that you are willing to part with it?
  6. Durable

    WTS Charcoal Ethy Llama SOLD

    I know this is below your asking 2m but I would do 1.5m for it.
  7. Durable

    WTS dono dye tubs

    S/b Special and leather. edit: too early didnt see it was auciton
  8. Durable

    WTS 50 Level 4 (Cleverly) Tmaps

    morning bump
  9. Durable

    WTS 50 Level 4 (Cleverly) Tmaps

    50 Lvl 4 tmaps. Auction s/b 175k b/o 265k Auction ends at b/o or Sat Jan 10th at 7pm EST.
  10. Durable

    WTS Statues: Ice White Ettin, A Big Cat Statuette, A Mountain Goat Statuette

    125k for the goat can i see a pic of the big cat?
  11. Durable

    WTS SOLD - Charcoal Ethy Llama

    Withdrawn... a month later and no word from the OP.
  12. Durable

    WTS Silver/Vauq/+20 Bow

  13. Durable

    WTS Silver/Vauq/+20 Bow

  14. Durable


    350k hound
  15. Durable

    WTS Giant Beetles !!!

    I will take one. PM me when around
  16. Durable


    SB 2X Brown Dragon Heads (180k) Hound Dog Statue 300k
  17. Durable

    WTS Charcoal ethy llama

    lol classy guy. for 20k you make yourself look like a less than reputable person.
  18. Durable

    WTS Charcoal ethy llama
