WTS Vanq Slayer Weaps Auction - Closed

Please make an offer for the following items! Items are being auctioned individually, and may close out sooner if a buyout price is offered and accepted. All Auction items will end in within a few days!

ITEM 1) War Axe - Vanq/Supreme
ITEM 2) War Hammer - Vanq/Exceed SOLD 30- Homer the miner
ITEM 3) Mace - Vanq/Emin

ITEM 4) Heavy Crossbow - Dragon Slaying/Substantial/Vanq/Supreme
ITEM 5) War Hammer - Arachnid Doom/Durable/Vanq/Surpassing SOLD - 40k Homer the miner
ITEM 6) Broadsword - Blood Drinking/Vanq/Surpassing
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