Recent content by TheRover

  1. T

    WTB Stealing Power Scroll

    As the title says. WTB Stealing power scroll!
  2. T

    WTB Boards

    I need around 20k of Boards. Buy if you have or know someone who have, even is 1k, tell me please.
  3. T


    I get one resist.
  4. T

    Hidden in Brit

    Ok Thanks.
  5. T

    Hidden in Brit

    Why i keep getting revelealed while in brit bank? I've been hiding there and it just breaks out of the nowhere.
  6. T

    Remove traps

    Im at 93 RT but now im stucked, and my tinkering is at 93 too. If i GM tinkering and keep doin dart traps i can get to 100? Im afraid to expend the money in tinkering and dont get above 95 RT.
  7. T

    Remove traps

    I was thinking about making a thief that can loot all dungeons chests and get out wihtout break stealth once. I dont know if will work, im new in this game.
  8. T

    Remove traps

    Can i GM RT with only 50 DT and no tinkering ? If i get tinkering can i drop it later ? Im stuck in 60.0 RT, i tried the abbey already and now im on brit shops.
  9. T

    A few questions

    Let me take this post to ask one more thing. I want to make a thief. Just to unlock some chests in dungeons, steal some players too. Not for pvp at all, first sight of trouble i would Protection+Recall. This is my build, tell me if is good or not please. Hiding Stealth Snooping Stealing...
  10. T

    A few questions

    :D i feel so stupid. Thanks bud.
  11. T

    A few questions

    Thanks for the fast reply! Im trying to train magery, but when i try to meditate i get the message "regenerative forces cannot penetrate your armor." how can i get rid of it. Also another question. When i use Hiding and try to walk, after a few times the game begins to lag like hell, the...
  12. T

    A few questions

    Hey guys, i need ask a few things: 1- I cant decrease my skills, i put the arrow down in westling for example and go fight with my hands and still dont decrease. I need it because my Magery is stucked at 85%, i reached 700 cap. 2- How can i do a locked box to train LP. I have a char with...
  13. T

    Jhelow pit

    Ok the problem was the Young players guild. I joined another one and was fine. thanks for the help.
  14. T

    Jhelow pit

    The thing is, is the second time a guy kill me there and ehs not red, or criminal. He just kill me get my loot and when i come back hes green. I think the problem is that i get grey anywhere if i hit a guildie. How can i fix it ? Im in the New players guild, but im not Young anymore. And i...
  15. T

    Jhelow pit

    Ok thanks bud.