WTS Turns your pet into a skele dragon!

Looking to auction off a scale of a skeletal dragon. This is a very very rare drop from a skele dragon and I'm not 100% sure how many there are.
This is also perma to the dragon or WW.
By buying the item, the user has their choice of dragon or WW to convert into a skele dragon!
It also retains the hue of the original dragon but in skele form so choose wisely!skele dragon.jpg

Starting the auction at 3mill and would like the auction to go up in 250k
The auction will end 24 hours after the last bid
Good luck people
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regular dragon or meta dragon?

5 years of being here, never once seen one for sale

I guess its one of those hop on the test center or never know about it, or about WHO you know type of ordeal, because nowhere have I ever seen this listed in the patch notes
regular dragon or meta dragon?

5 years of being here, never once seen one for sale

I guess its one of those hop on the test center or never know about it, or about WHO you know type of ordeal, because nowhere have I ever seen this listed in the patch notes

Its for regular dragons and WW. Ive killed thousands of skele dragons and never seen one before.


Well baby boi that's because the only scales that have traded hands have traded hands privately. It's a rich kids club kinda thing.

They do not work on meta pets.

Hell even Shane didn't believe that this pic was taken on UOF I had to bring my WW to WBB to prove it


bid withdrawn ( yours, homers and 2 others our there ) i'll pass

why are all these people commenting on a sale thread and not even bidding

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Ive seen it done.. I can confirm that its true.. never seen any colour other than white.. as I've seen it done to a WW.

maybe a ice blue white wyrm? if its true about dragons we do have dark green, light green as well as ethreal here... whoever gets this has quite the choice :)