Selling the following : A bunch of the listed items are in this picture in case you wanted to see it:
More pics coming soon with more items im trying to part ways with-
CHARACTER MAKE STATUES! All four colors- 1m each!!!
glowing rune chest- 170k
Ethy cu sidhe- 500k
Chargeable trapped pouch- 200k
Large shadow colored boat- 100k
20k ash (reg)- 40k
Pile of ICE- 40k
Daemon bone legs/armor
3x Beware (pirate) signs- 100k each firm
Valentines rose- 30k
Ancient SOS- offer
Cow statue- 35k
Troll trophy head- 35k
Large fish trophy- 60k
Sunken treasure chest- offer
Barnacle ingot- 20k
Dead mans skull (pink)- 100k ON VENDOR
Moloch Daemon statue- 225k
An Island Statue- 105k
Golem statue- 140k
Billy goat statue- 300k
Snow ele blob statue-
2x LARGE Red daemon statues- 35k each
Female human statue- 75k
Arcane daemon statue- 60k
Kraken statue
Brown horse/Tan horse/ Llama
White gibberling statue (no idea what a gibberling is)
Water ele statue- offer
Canada day wall- 65k
Cracked crystal ball- 40k
No trespassing sign- 200k
Demon Skull (champ artifact)- 70k
Snowflake- 75k
2013 White poinsetta- 75k
2014 White poinsetta- 75k
Selling the items in my graveyard!!!
Bloody Ankh (RARE deco)- 1.8m
green/red/blue/pink champ skull-- 10k each
2x Yule log- 100k each ON VENDOR
Nightmare before xmas candle- 50k ON VENDOR
Veterans day 2015 lantern- 40k
Bone container- 25k ON VENDOR
Bloody bandages- 25k
Hades target statue-
Ship paint (booger)- 125k
Red dragon head- 10k
Fafnirs head- 155k
an Anchor- 140k
Mummified Corpse Red- 80k
Mining Ore Cart- 210k
1x Lizard cloth- 45k
1x Lich cloth- 60k
1x Venom cloth- 65k
3x ice white
2x fire (orange) cloth
two story house (see pic below) - 50k
small marble house deco (see pic) 55k
Any of the sandals in this pic below for sale as well
Lord of the Damned
Order of the blades
Renaissance man
The dragoon
The lightbringer- 100k
The matador
The Rat King- 15k
The Crier- 15k
The daddy long leg
The Ettin Greaser- 15k
The Demon Slayer- 55k
1174 Title hue
Hue 61
The flummoxed
The herpetologist- 15k
Verite runic hammer with 2 charges left!- 500k
Aggy runic hammer with 1 charge (could be used as deco)
copper runic hammer 35 charges
plus 10 ancient smithy hammer- 60K
1 charge enchanted hammer
plus 15 ancient smithy hammer 381 charges- 100K ON VENDOR
Verite anvil- 250k
Aggy anvil- 250k
4x Snowmen (different colors)- 70k each
Layered (earrings) ice green orc mask (10k dono)- 1M
Dragon Bile sandals blessed- 700k
Polar bear blessed Layered mask!- offer
I support UOF pure white sandals blessed- offer
More pics coming soon with more items im trying to part ways with-

CHARACTER MAKE STATUES! All four colors- 1m each!!!
glowing rune chest- 170k
Ethy cu sidhe- 500k
Chargeable trapped pouch- 200k
Large shadow colored boat- 100k
20k ash (reg)- 40k
Pile of ICE- 40k
Daemon bone legs/armor
3x Beware (pirate) signs- 100k each firm
Valentines rose- 30k
Ancient SOS- offer
Cow statue- 35k
Troll trophy head- 35k
Large fish trophy- 60k
Sunken treasure chest- offer
Barnacle ingot- 20k
Dead mans skull (pink)- 100k ON VENDOR
Moloch Daemon statue- 225k
An Island Statue- 105k
Golem statue- 140k
Billy goat statue- 300k
Snow ele blob statue-
2x LARGE Red daemon statues- 35k each
Female human statue- 75k
Arcane daemon statue- 60k
Kraken statue
Brown horse/Tan horse/ Llama
White gibberling statue (no idea what a gibberling is)
Water ele statue- offer
Canada day wall- 65k
Cracked crystal ball- 40k
No trespassing sign- 200k
Demon Skull (champ artifact)- 70k
Snowflake- 75k
2013 White poinsetta- 75k
2014 White poinsetta- 75k

Selling the items in my graveyard!!!
Bloody Ankh (RARE deco)- 1.8m
green/red/blue/pink champ skull-- 10k each
2x Yule log- 100k each ON VENDOR
Nightmare before xmas candle- 50k ON VENDOR
Veterans day 2015 lantern- 40k
Bone container- 25k ON VENDOR
Bloody bandages- 25k
Hades target statue-
Ship paint (booger)- 125k
Red dragon head- 10k
Fafnirs head- 155k
an Anchor- 140k
Mummified Corpse Red- 80k
Mining Ore Cart- 210k
1x Lizard cloth- 45k
1x Lich cloth- 60k
1x Venom cloth- 65k
3x ice white
2x fire (orange) cloth
two story house (see pic below) - 50k
small marble house deco (see pic) 55k
Any of the sandals in this pic below for sale as well

Lord of the Damned
Order of the blades
Renaissance man
The dragoon
The lightbringer- 100k
The matador
The Rat King- 15k
The Crier- 15k
The daddy long leg
The Ettin Greaser- 15k
The Demon Slayer- 55k
1174 Title hue
Hue 61
The flummoxed
The herpetologist- 15k
Verite runic hammer with 2 charges left!- 500k
Aggy runic hammer with 1 charge (could be used as deco)
copper runic hammer 35 charges
plus 10 ancient smithy hammer- 60K
1 charge enchanted hammer
plus 15 ancient smithy hammer 381 charges- 100K ON VENDOR
Verite anvil- 250k
Aggy anvil- 250k
4x Snowmen (different colors)- 70k each
Layered (earrings) ice green orc mask (10k dono)- 1M
Dragon Bile sandals blessed- 700k
Polar bear blessed Layered mask!- offer
I support UOF pure white sandals blessed- offer
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