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Hello, you won the auction for the statue. Message me in Discord That206Guy#6342 and I can meet you in WBB. Thanks and Congrats!
My friends , left me to die, stronger Ive become. Amazing this life anything is posssible.
Well well, isn't it Ms. Cassandra Hope. You must be the one and only from Catskills? Must be! It's been what?...20 years since I last talked to you? I would hope you'd remember me. Does LacDanon and/or AmorDillion ring a bell? Oh, how time has past. I always wondered what happened to you all these years, among many others from the good ol days.

Let's catch up!
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Mister LacDanon. Team Goat. Of course i remember. If you use discord you may add me as -- Jenna#4441
What happened tart miss the videos from uof to uof?I was in db8 they guild u started running with in uogh
“But this was no ordinary chicken. This chicken was evil manifest.” ― Terry Goodkind, Soul of the Fire
Hey man, been a long time, was in aod with you, seen crow anywhere? Pro or hell?
Recently got my hands on the gold cat statue and thinking of selling for 2 mil if you're interested