New profile posts

i recently started playing uo forever again, i played back in 2014 for a bit. i woudnt mind doing end game content
hello . im looking for a guild to join. mostly pve. i have 7x gm bard and tamer. ive played Uo off and on since around 1998
I saw your tamers guide. I have been doing what your guide said, I have been stuck at 68.2 for 3 days. I am taming White wolves, scropions in shame. Nothing is working. Do you have any tips?
I am a returning player that would love an active guild to hunt with. I have a 6x warrior looking for a good home, and some other chars in the work. I have discord, let me know the best way to communicate to join up if your still recruiting.
I would like to join the cause I am a returning player and used to be in an Orc RP guild . Let me know how to contact you
Griz? Catskills?
Catskills? I don't know what you mean! LOL
Ahh well back in the day there were over 20 servers to play UO when OSI ran it. Catskills was a popular shard, there was a char named Griz on Catskills was an aquantance of mine, his guild was allies with us.
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Nope. It wasn't me. My name a long long ago was Grizwald, but that seems to be taken on this server. :(

I seem to remember playing on a Shard called Napa Valley I believe. I don't think it was OSI... I know I played for free though...
Sitting on an open field enjoying the sunrise as the battle has come to a stop... for a time.
Yo... I'm trying to get back at it. Along with my lil brother. Let me know when you are online.
I need help I lost my login info when my computer died in aug. I'm a donation player and I'm in fourums can you send my info to my email please?
I need help I lost my login info when my computer died in aug. I'm a donation player and I'm in fourums can you send my info to my email please?
I need help ive lost my login info when my computer died in aug. I'm a donation player and I her to give my info to donate. can you send me my login info to my email?