WTS Zero's Corner: Meta Pets, QS, Rares, Wearables and More


Level 7 meta dragon all relics/nox and 25k dono hue red/black offer
Level 7 meta dragon all relics/gold Halley blue with matching blessed exceptional hally robe

Meta stone 2.4m
QS / Quicksilver relic 6.25m
Strobe / Insanity Robe 9.6m or 56k dono
Hue 900 ghost meta dragon egg 1.4m
Full Rune Reliquery w 1250 runes offer
100k Iron ingots 775k
Ancient Anchor 500k (held)
Full summoning ball 240k
bag with hay horshoes dirty pan and snow offer
TMAP cabinet with 30 adpt 7 exp 21 pln 325k
PW Kasa 5m
Mask of Pagan gods earring layer 4.5m
lv10 Evil Mage Tokuna Galleon 1.6m

Pm LevelZero on discord