Windows 8.1 support


I installed Windows 8 last year and hated it and removed it after 3 weeks. I'm thinking about installing 8.1 as many folks say it's very good, even for typical desktop PCs.

However, i've not since discovered UOF and don't feel like not being able to play here. Anyone have experience with 8 and UOF?


I installed Windows 8 last year and hated it and removed it after 3 weeks. I'm thinking about installing 8.1 as many folks say it's very good, even for typical desktop PCs.

However, i've not since discovered UOF and don't feel like not being able to play here. Anyone have experience with 8 and UOF?

I've been running windows 8.1 and UOF for about a month now.... works just fine.

Just make sure you update windows and all your drivers to the latest release. I do run UOF and Razor in windows 7 compatibility mode FYI.


I hate windows 8 with every fiber of my being and been resisting upgrading to 8.1. I may pull the trgger in the next few weeks though, gonna go clean slate soon as I need to re-install and re-work all of my macros/hotkeys.

@Lexington curious, why exactly do you run in win 7 compatability mode?


Oh, can you disable the visual themes by other means? I had heard mention of themes before but I must have done something because I never have an issues aside from the general clumsiness of the OS.

Good lord whoever decided the tile system was a good idea needs their hands chopped off. And if you don't install "windows" versions of certain apps (like Skype) then the default "optimized" windows 8 versions are almost completely unusable. Try using Skype for windows 8. No you go ahead, I'll wait.

I want my windows 2000 Pro back. No bullshit, no nonsense just 1.2 gigs of lean, mean, simple operating system. Those days are long gone.