What is this?


I dont know where it came from, somehow I found it in my bank, cant remember I put it there, maybe I did.

I dont get a name from it, tried single click, d-click, shift click and tried it many times, it doesnt say anything. It has been there as far as I can remember about 3-4 month in my box. Now im just to curios and have to ask.

Anyone knows? Look at the pic.


Thanks :)


Thanks for the info, then I have by mistake dclicked a gem somehow sometime, the strange thing is that it doesnt tell me what it is when i click it.
Are the dust useable for anything?


Not that I can tell ... although Ive been wondering if they are needed in khaldune ive been meaning to try , perhaps i will tonight.. as in the secrit room there are scrolls that when dbl clicked open a targeting cursor .. ive targeted many things but not yet gem dust .. prolly will do nothing also but one thing on my list that i keep forgetting to do .. thx for reminding me :D