what is the most efficient way to do mibs?



I fished up 20 mibs.
Can anyone advise what is the best way to plan and fish them?


PS. I am licensed with The Trinsic Trading Company.


Yup, the best way (or at least how i do em) is to start off on land. Find the closest beach to where you are going and recall there. Drop the boat and go to location.

I find that the online world map at


Is a great resource for locating where to go.


here is how I do it.

I separate them out by quadrants. So I do all NE Mibs in one bag all NW in another... you get the point. Once I have 20 or more in a quadrant I fish them up. I start by entering all the cords into Excel N\S in column A and E\W in column B. then I sort column B largest to smallest and split it at about 90 (this is the half way cord). I copy everything less than 90 to a separate tab. then I sort one by smallest to largest and the other largest to smallest. this should give you a pretty effective route to pick up your MIBs. I would say don't worry about sticking to this as an exact order, but use it as a guideline.

once you have your order go to your first MIB on your list I use the Razor UO positioning system to find it as I feel it work pretty well. then just go to the next closest cords on your list.

FYI I used to sort them myself in game, I would just stack the SOS pages but I got sick of having to redo it for 40 MIBs when I got disconnected. that's why I started using Excel. I feel it takes a bit to get everything entered in but makes the rest very easy.

also I used to sort my stuff as I went but recently gave that up so now after 5 MIBs I get my beetle and drop the chests at my house then go back and keep going. then sort it all at once when I finish.

I hope this helps.