WTS Ultra Rare Deco Dawns Music Box!


This is a very rare deco I have been here forever (no pun intended:)) I personally have never seen another one and every person I show it to has never seen another one. I have heard there might be one or two more but I can't find out, I've asked tons of people everyone has no price to put on it and everyone wants to be told first when I am selling it so I've decided to just put it on the open market I am open to offers and trades.



Karl Sagan

Yep this was an old dono item. I think there are two that I know of, one was in the wind briefly after an idoc well over a year ago. Not sure if this one is the one from the idoc or not.

Very cool and if you're interested in trades let me know.


On production servers you could find songs for Dawns music box on certain monsters as loot. Some were common and some rare but when found you could add them to the music box and eventually have all songs like the Doorbell here on UOF. Cool item indeed!

Free bump and GL with the sale


Thanks for the offers but looking for much higher numbers I won't sell unless its worth it an item like this comes up for sale never.
