Thoughts on crafting.


New Member
Im a player returning after well over a decade. I was wondering what sort of crafters does this shard lack. Im not primarily concerned with profit but my additional character bringing something to the community. (Profit is welcome!)


ETC is a pure crafting guild! We run vendors, craft!!! I am on Discord Firecrest! or here on the forums! If you love crafting I can help you skill up and get paid while doing it!!


That's a pretty broad question. There are a lot of crafted goods that people buy on this shard. Some of the most popular are in no particular order: recall scrolls, kegs of potions (almost all types), barbed leather armor, valorite plate armor, and slayer spellbooks. But there are enough players on this shard that most of the popular items are widely available so I wouldn't say there is any crafted item that this "shard lacks". If there was a crafted item that would sell well, established crafters and guilds like ETC would step up and sell it. If you are just looking to sell things that nobody else is selling then there are probably opportunities. But generally the reason nobody else is selling it is because there is no market or no profit to be made.


New Member
Thank you, thats exactly what I was after. I shall do some more research and come to a decision soon but your answer has nicely given me a wide arc to work on.