Thief Guildmaster script update


New Member
So, I have read all the guides, and here's a suggestion that I can make to clarify exactly what you need to do for joining the thieves guild.

Story-Time (gets popcorn):

Started playing, got stealth after hiding 80, talked to guild master, not good enough stealing. Read, got it above 60 and went back. Tried to join, told me I needed to wait until my gametime was

So I went back to work on stealth/snooping/stealing. After the server issues and switches (not mad) after 4 days, my gametime was a little over 2 days of game time. Went back and this time he tells me to wait until 7 days after character creation before I can join.

So now I'm just sitting around doing nothing but macroing up skills as i wait for another 3 days.

Not that big of a deal, but the script should do something like this:

if  ( getCharacterAge( pm ) < 7 ) 
  SendMessage( pm, "You can only join our ranks after you have been around for 7 days." );
elseif ( getCharacterGametime( pm ) < 2 )
  SendMessage ( pm, "Your game time must be at least, it is currently " + pm.GetGameTime() );
elseif ( getCharacterSkill( pm, Stealing ) < 60.0 )
  SendMessage ( pm, "Only people skilled with their hands can join. Come back when you are more experienced." );
  SendMessage ( pm, "welcome!" );
  pm.JoinGuild( "thieves" ); // whatever