"That order is for some other shopkeeper"


Bought some BODs from a player vendor and finished them. Have done this many times before (to get cloth rewards) but the last two hasn't worked. When I give the BOD to tailor NPC in Brit I get the following message: "That order is for some other shopkeeper" (tried the weaver too). I get that the person who initially received the BOD got it from another tailor shop but who could I find out which one? Do I need to try all the tailors in Britannia?

In that case I would love to know where to find a runelibrary with all the tailors cause I haven't found one.



Bods relieved from a NPC do not need to be returned to that same npc -- only the same type of npc.

Can you provide screenshots?


You probably tried to turn it into the Tailor Guildmaster. Or did you try all of them?

Can only be handed in to regular Blacksmiths/Tailors.