llllllllllolololFrom the way you miss half your shots on Rotten corpse when you're being a douchebag and getting PK'ed by a person with less then 400 skill. You shouldn't promote content that you would most certainly suck at. You'd prolly just run away from the target dummy and kill yourself so you can report it.
Those are just thoughts though. No shots fired.
So I could shoot you again? Killing you 5 times would turn me red sir. No thanks.
You won in the end? No, my Provo hit 100 I got bored of the little competition you output. You with your totem probably 7x toon got scared by one person? Every time I use wall of stone now I'll look back and picture you recalling out like a puss. So I think you should reconsider who won. I didn't look like a ***** in the end.
And you didn't look like a bith in the end you stated off looking like a *****