Steam macro help


I'm trying to set up a recall macro that will target a rune book by type... can this be done in Steam?

I'm also wondering if there is a guide to steam macro recording anywhere?


Yes you can target by type and even include color to help seperate/ease the process. or you can use alias's...either way is up to you.

You can download the UOSteam documentation and that can help you immensly with steam macro building


I'm trying to set up a recall macro that will target a rune book by type... can this be done in Steam?

I'm also wondering if there is a guide to steam macro recording anywhere?
What @Experience said, plus here is some code to get you started. The easiest way is to have a default rune set in your book and have each runebook you carry be a different color (honestly though, I usually use a specific runebook serial instead but the choice is yours). In this scenario, you are looking at something like:

if findtype '<runebook graphic id here>' '<color code here>' 'backpack'
cast 'Recall' 'found'

*Note: I did not test the above, I just wrote it from scratch.