Statue Bulk Order Deeds (BODs)


I know staff has a lot going on right now and we appreciate what you guys provide for us.. and I have a million ideas but this one kind of stands out. I'll be brief.

Most statues don't seem to be worth much and are often times not looted or they're thrown in a bag in your house never to be seen again. I was thinking we could add a vendor that would give you one Statue Bulk Order Deed a week. They can vary in quality. Obviously things like orcs and ettins there are an abundance of statues but some monsters are more rarely killed and thus there are fewer statues of them.

What does this accomplish? It just adds value back to statues and gives us another grind we can work on. It will also give us incentives to go fight monsters that most people typically don't bother with anymore. This would encourage people to explore new areas and fight a wider variety of monsters. The rewards can vary.. on a more simple bulk order deed things like gold and magics but on the harder bulk order deeds things like substantial gold, good slayers (corresponding with the monster type)and possibly even rares/deco.