WTS (SOLD) sorry folks, was made a great offer

I have 2 Max Storage Houses and im selling one of them, which one is up to you guys and gals..
The way this is going to work is everyone places a bid on the house they want, Vesper coast 17x18 or Minoc mines 16x17(can fit 17x17 tested on test center) The highest bid 24hrs after the last bid will get the house they bid for and i will keep the other for myself.. all my stuff is in my Minoc house so if the Minoc house is sold to the highest bidder then ill move my stuff to the Vesper house.. hope there is no confusion ( i am NOT selling them both ).. if you have any questions feel free to PM me in Discord Maverick#5378.

First up the 17x18 Vesper House, right on the coast between Vesper and Dagger Island, No Spawn, Quiet and ZERO Blockage from any other houses.. Perfect for any type of player!


Second up the 16x17(17x17) Minoc House, located right next to the mountain right between two of the mines just north of Minoc, No Spawn, Quiet and very little blockage from the house next door.. again perfect for any type of player!


S/B is 2.5mill.. Inc's of 100k..