Skill uses


It'd be neat to see a use for our 'useless' skills, even if it's a small one, less than LJ on swords or firehorn for 4 music skills. Something that doesn't make them worthless and allows for different (even if under powered) templates.

Maybe pick axe mace bonus for mining.
Small cross skill bonus for healing on vet (maybe anatomy & animal lore too) and visa versa.
Maybe a *small* mage heal bonus same as above?
Bowcraft & fletching bonus for archery
Carpentry bonus on music skills (besides the instrument)
Cooking, I dunno, maybe multiply food by mixing stuff or menu to pick food in magery? All sorta foods even fruit baskets
Spirit speak give 100% chance to rez someone or major boost, probably some better ideas out there
Spirit speak possess 1 lower/mid lvl animal/monster/npc per 20 mins or something. Loot yourself as a bear :) just thought of this
GM Parrying some kinda special shield, even if its just for looks, but something functional sounds better
Cartography, tracking, and magery maybe make a crystal ball that can track anyone in the world and has a small # of uses

I'm not sure what else and there's probably plenty of idea out there. I don't even like all my ideas, I just want skills to have a purpose and somebody to use them. I do think having people mix crafting w other skills is cool, maybe blacksmith melee does more damage to armor, tailor tamers (or lore) can make pack animals or animal armor that's very weak, maybe armor bonus?since they're using hide and scales etc?