Skill Scroll Question


So I am new to here but not new to UO Completely. I have never played on a server with skill scrolls (other than crafting ones). I made a tamer and when I was training someone game me a 105 Peacemaking scroll. I used it and took my skill to 105. I have since realized that Peacemaking is not very good. It is my understanding that the first skill you raise past 100 is free skill points, allowing your max skill points to be 720. Do i need to take Peacemaking to 120 to get this skill points, or can I carry on with another skill like taming or lore?


If you wanted to bring Peacemaking to 120 you would need to eat a scroll of each kind (ie 105, 110, etc). To answer your question directly, you don't need to put those 20 points into Peacemaking and can use them elsewhere. Just remember that you can't bring any other skill beyond 100. Some folks will eat a PS for just that purpose.


if you eat the PS's in order(105,110....) for other skills you can take those specific skills to 120 but it will not increase your total past 720.