Should I play here? Help


I have no idea how long this server has been up....but based on the forum posts and responses, this server has been around for a long time.
1*Is there room for new houses?
2*Is there a strong new player /vet assist guild - program in place?
3*What is a big negative plaguing this server?
4*How involved are the GMs?
5*What the average population?
6*What is the prime time for population?
7*Based on current templates what is the OP set up?

Thank you for your time.


1*Is there room for new houses?
small to medium size yes
2*Is there a strong new player /vet assist guild - program in place?
Lots. Also lots of helpful random players.
3*What is a big negative plaguing this server?
Say goodbye to your social life outside of uo.
4*How involved are the GMs?
Very to extremely.
5*What the average population?
unique ip 500+
6*What is the prime time for population?
Uof had players from all over so always people on but Eastern evenings seem busiest.
7*Based on current templates what is the OP set up?
whatever your good at and enjoy. Tons are viable depends on your skill level and preferences.