Security on doors in custom houses reset


Might be a bug or did GMs possible reset all door security? I know I had mine set differently than "Anyone" due to I recently remodeled my home and changed my doors.

Possible bug.


Might be a bug or did GMs possible reset all door security? I know I had mine set differently than "Anyone" due to I recently remodeled my home and changed my doors.

Possible bug.
I second this, had the security on my door set to Co-Owners, went into customizing, noticed the next day some random guy just opened the door and strolled in, as the security on the door was reset. GM please look into this, security issue.


hehe, you don't need to bump threads that are already on top :D
also, the gms see all, don't kid yoself jhehehe


They probably prioritize posts and issues, and this issue has been going on since December last year with no replies from anyone (staff or members), so I thought It could be good to bring it back to their attention.


more like put it on their shoulders that EA programmed shit a certain way lol
im certain they have staff looking over things alot, but don't always reply because it takes out of development time
no offense intended of course! just reiterating