WTS Scribe Vendor


Scribe services Vendor located on the coastline south of vesper graveyard @ 43° 14'N, 97° 35'E

Skills Scrolls:

Stealing 8000 x2
Hiding 2500
Mining 5000
Fishing 5000
Eval Int 1000
Anatomy 1000
Macing 1000
Fencing 1000
Swords 1000 x2
Tactics 1000 x4

Portal Fragment 270k x2

Various Invuln Armor Suits and Armor Pieces

EV Scrolls: 50g per
Gate Travel Scrolls: 40g per
Mark Scrolls: 40g per
Recal Scrolls: 30g per
Spellbooks 5000 per
Runebooks 500g per

Other inquiries for specific scrolls made can be arranged, send me a tell on discord @ Exostable#0658
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