'Reported' Posts

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Silly Santa

There is a warning system in place. 3 warnings = ban. We follow these procedures for everyone unless they go over the top and get an insta-ban. It is hard for me to talk to someone on discord when they are not online.

In some cases it goes beyond an insult. Just because you don't like a particular person doesn't mean you go out of your way to try and get them banned. Every situation is different. some of you should just ignore things. There are ignore functions on the forum and discord, use them.

Do these 2 posts warrant forum "warnings"...?? I have been trying to ask staff for a while via PMs...and myself and others have reported these posts.

Fuck off.

Old mans been doing it for 54 years you dont think he knows public relations? EQMS is what it is because of our Lord and Savior Gluttony of SDS.

As for Silly Pedo, dont you realize talking about people talking about the other server is the same as talking about the server yourself? By your own logic you too should be banned (especially considering you were one of the first ones on [REDACTED SERVER])

LOL WOW nice excuse...so your a sick pedo too...


There is a warning system in place. 3 warnings = ban. We follow these procedures for everyone unless they go over the top and get an insta-ban. It is hard for me to talk to someone on discord when they are not online.

Some comments on here could lead to someone getting seriously hurt in real life, there should be no three strike policy regarding anyone calling someone a sexual predator / paedophile, it should be instant ban. You have the duty as a staff member to protect users from this type of abuse.

Silly Santa

The fact that you are this upset raises some questions..

Im not upset.. im disappointed in seeing some EQMS members break forum rules... and it take a while for them to be warned/banned. Them breaking forum rules is on them.... not me... so if/when they get banned IDC... there are forum rules for a reason.

Which again raises the question - Does anyone on staff review "reported posts".



Silly Santa

Both posts have received warnings. Again, I highly recommend using the ignore function.

Thank you for confirming this. As for using the ignore function, people trash talking me I don't mind... but when someone breaks the forum rules - I will surely call foul when it happens and shine line on it for everyone to see how toxic they are to this community - EQMS.

Please feel free to delete this thread.
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