relic thief

So I was apart of the demon lord kill today and got a broken green stone to drop in my back pack just thinking it was deco... I stayed around looking for my body to get my weapon back and regs. While seaching for my body (someone had cut it up so all names didn't work) someone stoll it from my bag and come to find out I'm pretty damn sure it was a relic.. can anyone back my thoughts up?




oh that was taken from a google search, not sure if they are different colors here, I've yet to do that quest. Started last night, dropped 2 vanqs into the stone, 28 more to go!! lol

Seriously though, sorry for your loss man, that sucks.
/: sometimes you learn lessons the hard way, just try to not let them happen again. I've lost ~2mil to not locking things down appropriately. *The feels, sir*


well thanks for the replies now I'll go die somewhere lol

If it makes u feel better when I was new here, I did my first rda on my only char at the time which was a dexxer. (Same name as my forum name). I Pulled a 120 taming ps. Didn't know they had value. It got stolen from me, later I found out it was 9mil. Now I'm trying to save up for one lol.

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Yes it was a relic and I was there too when POWER killed all the blues and I saw the thief bragging about stealing your relic. From now on if a relic or scroll pops in your pack, recall away from there and forget about your corpse and the gold laying on the ground.


Yes it was a relic and I was there too when POWER killed all the blues and I saw the thief bragging about stealing your relic. From now on if a relic or scroll pops in your pack, recall away from there and forget about your corpse and the gold laying on the ground.

Yes and if u have pets dead or alive come back and get them later if they are to far away from where u when u can recall

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Yes it was a relic and I was there too when POWER killed all the blues and I saw the thief bragging about stealing your relic. From now on if a relic or scroll pops in your pack, recall away from there and forget about your corpse and the gold laying on the ground.
yes I know this now