Reg Bags with 25-40 regs of each kind


Was wondering if there might be any interest in "Ready to use" bags of reagents. No hassling with getting a few regs here, a few regs there. Just grab a ready to go bag and get back in that fight within seconds!
Been using these myself but realized today that I may have stocked too many since my house is full :D
Each bag contains between 25 and 40 regs from what I can see(24-32 stones per bag). Was thinking 1000g per bag? Have.. uhm... at least 40 bags, maybe closer to 60.


i think you would make a bit more if u just pooled them all together and sold them, i believe ur selling cheaper then vendor price for regs.


Yeah I know mate, I sell bulk regs at one of my vendors.. but... the hassle of pooling it all... :)
Plus the fact that I would save some avid pvpers that die regularly(its ok, you can PM if you dont want to go public here) some time and hassle in the process.

But, I probably have to pool it later tonight or tomorrow anyway since this has brought my storage capacity on its knees :D


Most people use a restock agent that makes selling bulk "ready to go bags" kinda useless. if you wanna make quick money sell them as bulk regs like famara said. if you want to make the most gold off them make them into bags of 50 each reg and sell them for 2-3k.

im guessing your looting these off MOBs, you should be able to use a organizer macro to pull the regs out of the bags quicker. or you can use the Reagents gump to do it that way as well.


Hmm, never tried those things. Thanks for advice guys, will take a look in Razor :)

Ah damn a normal organizer macro would of course do the trick, never thought of it /sherlock