Redo level 8 spells!


So.. when is the last time anyone has used Summon earth elemental? lol..


Those are the only lvl 8 spells people have used in the past 15 years. In the expansion.. why not make some more useful ones?

Like.. DragonKiller... a energy bolt only effective against dragons.. to balance the pwn that a couple tamers have against a pvp grp. Nothing super OP, because tamers really aren't all that OP (para ftw) but just something fun.

Maybe some sort of short duration turret type summon.. Like.. Summon reaper!


Would you really use an 8th circle nuke?

It would have to be so crazy powerful that it would frankly just be overpowered. Or it would be as useless as the existing spells.

Air elemental and Earth elemental, btw, are both quite useful!

I have to agree about water and fire though, the follower slots they take do not justify their skills and damage output.

I'd much rather see a custom 9th circle personally, and leave all of the spells in the book as they are.


gotta be the gayest shit I ever heard, sounds like some shit from a RP shard, but hey I guess what can you expect from a real live male maid that decos houses.... LOL


Make EVs bad ass again. Make them attack everything in sight like its suppose to be. There should be a risk to their power as it's easy to get 4 off in a short duration of time

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Make EVs bad ass again. Make them attack everything in sight like its suppose to be. There should be a risk to their power as it's easy to get 4 off in a short duration of time

^^ This.

EVs used to chase the higher INT target within their range, if I recall correctly. And mobs couldn't auto-insta-dispel them all the time...

As for other Summons, maybe if they were completely undispellable, they'd see more use. It's not like controlling a summoned Deamon or a couple summoned Elementals would make a Mage OP, compared with the other viable PvM templates, in my humble opinion.


I think you're correct on the higher int targeting with EVs. However it only goes so far. A dexxer close by would still get taken over a Mage 4 paces away

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