Rare White Horse, Stuff, and Lots of Great Mares


View attachment 275
1 mill (I know its high, but IMO, its one of the coolest mounts there is, and if I cant get 7 digits then I'm keeping it.)
View attachment 278
50k 522hits, 506 str, 125 int (perfect)
View attachment 281
20k 507 hits, 504 str, 121 int

View attachment 282
2 Anchors, one facing each direction 200k or 350k for both, tentatively sold
Obsidian statue of Regal Aristocrat 75k
admirals hearty rum 50k
Mummy statue Offer
giant serpent statue Offer
2 volcanic rocks 10k each
+5 Mining Gloves 150k
+3 Mining Gloves 40k
Shadow Wyrm costume 300k tentatively sold
Evil Wisp costume 200k
Skeleton costume 150k
Ice white sandals (unblessed) 200k Sold
368 BOD sandals 20k
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lol, Lowball asan strikes again.

I have 2 interested parties for net, and rum, at asking price. I'm putting them as tentatively sold.



is it less than what I am asking?

then its low ball.

thanks for playing.

Not looking for offers on anything that doesn't say offer. prices are firm.



Asan trolls the forums calling other people out for making lowball offers. Loving this right now.

No I don't.

Learn to read dipshit. The comment I made to your post he other day was 'I get it all the time' I said that because I always lowball people, so I always have people like this guy making those similar comments, therefore I am always in YOUR position. I wasn't being 'snarky' or anything with you, you just got defensive is all, because you take games way to serious and have obvious self-esteem issues ;-) The fact you worry about what some random guy on a vidya game thinks about you.. is sad. It is only a game bro, no need to follow me around and hug my nuts. You aren't even worthy of huggin my balls, don't hate me cuz you ain't me ;-))))))

Yup, I lowball the shit out of people. No one has to accept my offers. But a lot of time they do. I offer people what an item is worth to me, not what it is worth to them. Take it or leave it I don't care ;-) I buy/sell millions worth of shit on and off this forum every week, so ofc I'm looking for a deal. The funny part is how butthurt people get over pixels sometimes.


is it less than what I am asking?

then its low ball.

thanks for playing.

Not looking for offers on anything that doesn't say offer. prices are firm.


It is my gold, I will offer whatever I want. You don't have to accept it. No need to take everything so personal man. This is a pixel/pixel transaction in a video game, who fucking cares. You should be happy that people are bidding up to 300k already for an item that generally sells for 100-200.


Relax Asan,
I'm not bothered by you or anyone elses Lowball offers. the comment about how it was low ball was directed at the individual who clamed it wasn't lowball. feel free to throw up lowball bids, I will just ignore them. no more need for any talk about lowball bids. lets get back to my selling stuff.

Anchors tentatively sold.

Thanks all,