quick question for farming


Just finished my provoker/archer and was looking for a place to farm the most gold/ items. I usually so titans but looking to move on to better things. What are the best things you've found to farm solo for gold and items like weapons and ss.


When i used to farm for gold i really liked Khaldun, u get alot of gold on the cultists of khaldun with ss chance and good weapon drop and body paint, then u have the undead knights wich drop also alot of gold and chance of ancient armour and good weapons.
Then u have the Guardians of doom and the blood deamons who also drop good gold and magic weapons., the ancient liches = good gold and chance of black dye tub and sandals.
And the Khaldun boss, who drops around 4700 gold and a chance on the red spell book.

Khaldun is perfect for a archer/provo, you just have to be carefull of other players as everybody is grey out there, but there never where that many players as in other dungeons, so after a while farming there u start to know the players who come there often and u know what there up to.

As a mage provo i used to recal every 15 mins or so, to bank the gold when i was almost overloaded 12k or so, and with items u could get even more.
As a provo /archer u kill the mobs way faster, so you can make a nice chunk of gold there.

pass-phrase to enter Khaldun is Fallax Veramocor Malum

edit, some mobs can still be hard to provo at gm in Khaldun, i think when i had 110 provo things started to get really easy out there.
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Also a useful tip is trying to spawn a paragon guardian and luring it down to the cultist room. It kills everything ultra fast and you'll make a lot of gold.

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