PvM Dexxer with parry


Hi all,

Wanting to do some PvM with a Dexxer but don't have time to grind a talisman. Can I still do ok with a parry swords/fencer/macer against mobs like bone Knights? Want to earn reasonable gold.

Also have a Provo archer but get bored farming with him...

Any thoughts / build ideas would be great!

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Your provo archer will bring in a lot more gold.

I have a provo archer too and recently made a defensive dexxer. Lots more fun IMO but less gold. He can take down a lot of things. Bone Knights like butter but you should really look at fighting harder stuff.

Parry does nothing against magic but helps against harder hitting mobs.

Give it a try and see if you like it, you can make one in a few hours of macroing....

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Well, trying meta doesn't cost you anything but 30 Vanq weapons, which i am sure your bard stacked plenty. So give it a try.

On the other hand, with gm parry and some magic armor, you can tank ogre lord without a problem. All you need is a good shield but keeping it repaired is important.


SO an added cost is going to be making sure I have good AR on which could be risky. Can I use repair deeds for the AR and shield or do I need to know / make a smith?

Any other mobs you know of that will be worth hunting?


if you gm resist oyu'll be a lot more tanky, i do this on my tank dexxer you can do dragons and deamons also, just need a good slayer wep