Protection Spell


When I cast the Protection Spell I don't see my AR change. However, when I cast Arch Protection I see the AR change, is Protection Spell Bugged?

Oh I also noticed that Protection spell works similar to Magic Reflect and Reactive Armor as in you can only have either MR, RA, or Protection Spell active. However, you can't remove protection spell by casting dispel field on yourself like how you can with MR and RA.


Protection supposedly only gives you a chance at negating a spell interruption, while Arch Protect increases AR.


Protection supposedly only gives you a chance at negating a spell interruption, while Arch Protect increases AR.

Ok sweet. But what about the removal from Dispel Field. Protection acts like MR and RA as in you can only have one of the three up at a time however, casting dispel field will remove the buff for MR and AR but not Protection.