i would of took 175 for it, i figure the 300 ish one was high most prices are, i always go under em. just dont know prices on all scrolls. glad u got it
Oops I never made it back to this thread. Uhm I would be willing to do 175 I reckon but it might be tough to meet until maybe late Sat or Sun (if 175k is an acceptable amount that is)
Honestly someone ripped themselves off pretty bad if they paid any more than that considering 110 fishings are selling pretty often at 150k. Seen one a week go at that price for the past month or so, but a couple of them came from flube so gotta take that into account he hucks his PS at pretty close to the lowest market price.
i wont be on much this weekend so it isn't going anywhere sitting in my bank, ill check forums off and on all weekend selling stuff anyways, saturday or sunday is fine with me. I'll sell it to you for 150k really im tired of looking at it lol. i got too many ps's sitting in bank.
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