WTS oneSLOWex's random items for sale


Christmas stuff:
PW angel decoration- 50k
1911 hue angel decoration - 50k
green stocking - 20k
4x silent night handout - 20k each
3x toy bird(animated when locked down) - 20k each

4x cooked turkey - 20k each
2x thanksgiving 2017 - 20k each
1x Canada day 2017(shoots fireworks) - 20k
2x spoiled turkey - 15k each
2x Happy Hallween evil jester mask - 25k each
1x 'Merica! staff(shoots fireworks) - 20k
2x Shanes Bday - 30k each
4 years UO forever blaze bottle - 20k
Glacial staff - 100k
3 years UOF statue - 40k
4 years of Ultima Online Forever! - 40k (makes sounds when locked down)

Champion artifacts:
demon skull - 75k
Fafnirs head- 175k
defiled blood - 100k
Title scrolls:
2x Infernal - 50k each
2x Herpetologist - 25k each
2x Mud Dauber - 10k each
Yellow opened Chest of Summer - 60k

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